Christians, God Says You are Priests! -Marcus A. Jackson & Madeline C. Jackson
Christians, God Says You Are Priests is a comprehensive experience and journey for you to engage and grow in your personal time with God beyond a devotional experience. Reading this book invites you to become more and more like Jesus Christ, who is the perfect High Priest God purposed for his children to model and emulate. This book encourages personal interchange between God and you, drawing you deeper into your confession of being a Christian by seeking to love and know Jesus greater.
In seeking Jesus, you learn, understand and are encouraged to apply practically what Jesus’ Spirit, the Holy Spirit, reveals to you about Jesus in your active, obedient relationship with God. Such learning and application about Jesus in your life affords you understanding and growth in God and his purpose for your life. The Holy Spirit honors such learning by enlarging your vision of God, revealing to you why God desires progressive growth in you as a Christian, making you more and more like Jesus (Eph. 5:1-2). Jesus calls all Christians to be priests in his character and example in every area of life, giving glory to God, reflecting God’s love and light to the world.
This is the first in a series of books from the authors titled, “Christians, God Says…” Use the author contact information within this book to reserve your copy of the next book in the series, “Christians, God Says Not Your Will, But My Will Be Done.”